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Bitubo JBH fork cartridge kit -30mm HARLEY DYNA FXDB1 STREET BOB HD003JBH12WO

724,46 €
637,53 €
(Impuesto incl.)
Stock: 4 unidades
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These new Bitubo suspension sets provide more efficient settings than OEM features, alltogether with ‘Plug&Play’ easy mounting, serviceable in all its parts. They will fit either genuine bikes or personalized Vehicles.

  • The features that characterize this new JBH are pressurized cartridges with adjustable spring preload, compression and rebound
  • Plug&Play: requires no modification of the original components, and allows resetting the original suspension at
    any time
  • Customizable lowering. Every cartridge is provided by the factory with a system of spacers that allows setting up the bike with the standard data or customizing the lowering up to -30 mm
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