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OptiMate 2 TECMATE TM420

69,53 €
61,18 €
(Impuesto incl.)
The OptiMate 2 smart charger-maintainer is the most cost-effective solution for long term maintenance of 12V batteries in any vehicle / craft that is stored in or outdoors. OptiMate 2 is also ideal for standby power applications - the interactive standby mode during long-term maintenance reverts to full charge mode if it senses high current drain from the battery. Recommended for: AGM / MF, STD, GEL and spiral cell batteries from 2.5Ah to 38Ah Input Voltage: 100-240V 50-60Hz global input Input current max: 0.15A @ 230V Reverse drain current: Less than 1mA Output current (bulk charge): 0.8A Maintain / test cycles: 30 min/30 min (alternating hourly) Charge retention test: > 12.4V = GOOD (green LED) Size: 167 x 65 x 46mm Weight: 800g Marca : TECMATEReferencia del fabricante : TM420
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