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PRO TAPER 1/3 Waffle Grips One-third Waffle 025045

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13,01 €
(Impuesto incl.)
Stock: 10 unidades
Lo has visto más barato
  • ProTaper Micro grips are purpose designed and molded to be the perfect compliment to our latest handlebar innovation for youth riders, the Micro Handlebar
  • Micro grips utilize exclusive 1/3 waffle pattern to allow youth riders with less hand strength to grasp more grip surface using less pressure, with only the fingertips coming into contact with the waffle grid
  • The unique mold design incorporates an over-sized grip tip designed to take the abuse of multiple crashes without tearing and to help keep small hands from slipping off the ends during riding
  • Made using our specially formulated soft synthetic rubber compound to give youth riders the best combination of impact absorption and hand preservation
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