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Stator SUZUKI GSX-R600 GSX-R750 ESG221

219,98 €
(Impuesto incl.)
Stock: 15 unidades
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ElectroSport manufactures ESG221 using a modern stator core made of magnetically highly conductive material to limit magnetic losses. We use the highest grade copper wire for the windings that are installed using our computer controlled winding machines for optimum winding quality.

Due to the high quality materials and better production processes as well as a modified winding configuration this ESG221 stator generates less heat than the stock unit which dramatically improves reliability.

We use the best quality lead wires with insulation that is both very abrasion and heat resistant, and we install the rubber seals and connectors to be an exact fit in the bike.

ESG221 offers superior performance and reliability compared to the OEM stator and like all stators manufactured by ElectroSport it is also covered by a full one year warranty.

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