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Estriberas retrasadas Multi posición 2-Slide MT-09 / MT-09 Tracer LSL 118Y129 118Y129RT

533,77 €
448,38 €
(Impuesto incl.)
Stock: 2 unidades
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LSL has developed and tested different versions of adjustable rearsets in close collaboration with a speed team. 2Slide rearsets are the fruit thereof and reflect the current degree of development of motorbike competitions.

The position of the rearsets is adjustable: 2 positions (from the bottom upwards in increments of 22mm), 4 positions (from the front backwards in increments of 10mm) and 4 adjusting notches for the shift lever.
Supplied with short foot pegs with milled surface for a perfect grip, and a selector rod.
Anodised black or anthracite depending on the original colour of the frame.

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