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AXP Xtrem Radiator Guard HDPE AX1584

Color Rojo
Composición PE-HD
154,00 €
135,52 €
(Impuesto incl.)
Stock: 1 unidades
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Especially made for  HARD ENDURO and developped with the AXP pro riders in all conditions, these radiator guards offer a maximum of protection by wrapping the radiators and being against the central part of the frame to provide a maximum of rigidity and limiting déformations. The MUST is the HDPE plastic 6mm thick and REMOVABLE protection grid !

This one will allow to reinforce more again the resistance in case of impact, does not limit the airflow and provides a perfect radiators cleaning by removing the girds in less than 30s 

The base of the product still the same, using aluminum 4mm thick with spacers offering a strong rigidity.

The Xtrem radiator guards will provide you with optimal safety during your extreme rides!

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