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PROFI PRODUCT Magnetic Chain Alignment Laser Tool CAT-DOT-MAGNET

74,42 €
65,49 €
(Impuesto incl.)

For a precise chain and toothed belt alignment !


Effective, time-saving and precise. The Profi Laser CAT Chain Alignment Tools allow a quick and accurate setting or alignment of the drive system. The perfectly positioned rear wheel axle ensures optimized driving dynamics of your motorcycle, guarantees more safety and more driving pleasure.


The laser light spot is visible directly in front of the device on the chain links. By turning the rear wheel slightly, the light "wanders" over the entire chain and allows you to check whether the alignment is optimal.


Includes :


  • Dot-CAT chain alignment tool magnet - ideal for steel sprockets
  • Beltmarks for measurement of belt-driven bikes
  • Operating instructions
  • Battery pack (3 x AG5) is installed
  • Storage bag


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