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Embudo y canalón flexible SHIN YO 372x170mm 396-360

25,37 €
22,33 €
(Impuesto incl.)
SHIN YO Flexible funnel and chute

For oil change in inaccessible places. Just bend it so that you have a slide on which, for example, the oil can flow off.
Simply place between the frames, fairings or axles of cars and the oil or water will flow into the container without contaminating the vehicle in inaccessible places.

The material can also be formed into a funnel, for example.

Then simply wipe off and you're done.

Width: 170 mm
Length: 372 mm
Weight: 246 g

Material: NBR (Nitrile Butadiene Rubber) / Aluminium
Colour: blue

Scope of supply: 1 piece
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