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Tanque de limpieza Draper por ultrasonido 27L 92639

Capacidad (ml/l) 27L
1.824,38 €
1.605,45 €
(Impuesto incl.)
Stock: 1 unidades
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Expert Quality ultrasonic cleaning tank, fitted with new high-performance transducers for improved cleaning. Attached with an easy to use touch screen control panel and LED display. Extremely effective at removing dirt and grime on watch parts, jewellery (NOT gemstones), coins, PCB boards and electrical components, engine-vehicle and mechanical parts, etc. Ultrasonic cleaning is based on the cavitation effect caused by the high-frequency ultrasonic vibration signals in fluid. The ultrasonic agitation causes microscopic bubbles to be formed which implode violently causing the cavitation effect which creates an intense scrubbing action on the surface of the item being cleaned. The bubbles are small enough to penetrate microscopic crevices, cleaning them thoroughly. Suitable for use with water or non-volatile cleaning agents. Manufactured from stainless steel, fitted with a drain tap and supplied with a stainless steel basket. 

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