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Embrague automático MAXI FLY para campana Ø160 5212819

200,99 €
176,87 €
(Impuesto incl.)
Stock: 1 unidades
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Maxi Fly clutch is the result of the experience that Malossi engineers have accumulated with the Maxi Delta Cutch adjustable automatic clutch.
This new clutch has been designed and constructed to adapt perfectly to a standard vehicle and guarantee impeccable performance on all occasions.
Maxi Fly Clutch is supplied pre-calibrated according to instructions supplied by our engineers after exhaustive testing on accelerometer benches to check the reliability of every part.
Malossi's Maxi Fly Clutch is designed with particular attention to dimensioning and material selection.
Therefore, the Maxi Fly Clutch is a high-technology replacement that offers maximum reliability and extremely long life.

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