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Polea secundaria móvil Yamaha T MAX 500 Malossi 6113495 6113495

278,31 €
244,91 €
(Impuesto incl.)

The Malossi half-pulley is borne from the extensive experience of our "race division", and is fabricated from the best quality steels. This component, known as a torque corrector due to its specific role which is to determine the exact moment to shift gear, has been calculated to provide the vehicle with the best possible acceleration, according to the specific power output of each engine. The new Malossi half-pulley provides exceptional acceleration and extremely progressive and fluid torque distribution to the wheel. 

  • Comprises: half-pulley / spring
  • Immediacy and reactivity under acceleration
  • Progressive acceleration through the rev range
  • Smoother at higher revs
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