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Polea primaria MALOSSI K-Drive 27 dientes - Kymco AK 550 6117984B

Número de dientes del piñón 27
Composición Aluminio
322,56 €
283,85 €
(Impuesto incl.)


Malossi K-DRIVE is a lighter gear ratio than the original equipement.
Characterised by a sought-after appearance, the K-DRIVE crowns and pinions have different ratios to satisfy all the rider’s requirements.


The pinions are made from aluminium with a 25 microns deep hard anodizing. With this treatment Malossi has maintained a particularly light shape of the piece whilst guaranteeing high wear resistance. The central hub is made from a special steel alloy, not heat treated in order to avoid making it too hard and thus causing friction problems with the motor transmission shaft. The following tooth options are proposed z.: 24. 25. 27. 28. 29.

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