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KIT OVER RANGE Malossi Yamaha T-MAX 500 04-11 6114885 6114885

749,99 €
659,99 €
(Impuesto incl.)

This new system is based on the Multivar MHR Next variator, which when installed with other parts can unleash truly unequalled levels of performance!    

  •  The torque driver has a diameter greater than the original pulley and revolutionary technical specifications resulting in a higher transmission ratio compared to that of the OE pulley.
  • Malossi technicians have also laboured over the finest details when manufacturing this pulley, using special materials and a specific type of thermo-chemical treatment resulting in a very high resistance to wear and abrasion in addition to significant surface hardness.
  • The new Malossi X K Belt MHR toothed belt has been introduced with the aim of providing maximum performance under all operating conditions, allowing the full range of the new torque corrector unit to be used, unleashing the available power of the race machines of today.
  • The fixed half-pulley is a complement to the OVER RANGE, with diamond-finished belt travel surface and with recalculated angle to increase the replacement range in future.



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