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MALOSSI Variator Rollers Set 20x14,8 8,5g - 6 pieces 6611534.Y0

Diámetro Ø (mm) 20
Anchura (mm) 14.8
Peso (g) 8.5
Color Negro
18,05 €
15,89 €
(Impuesto incl.)

HTRoll, HIGH RESISTANCE CALIBRATED ROLLERS for original and Multivar drives.

The HTRoll are made in CPT with a specific formula; they are marked on one side with the weight.
The HTRoll are a technical replacement for the original in a complete series of adjustment elements capable of varying the moment of change of speed and the recovery of your scooter.

With the rotation, the weight of the rollers is transformed into centrifugal force: the higher the weight of the roller, the greater the centrifugal force, the shorter the adjustment time.

Adjusting the drive
To optimize the performance of the engine, adopt rollers that, during the use phase, keep the engine in the maximum power rotation speed. By reducing the weight of the rollers, the motor increases the number of operating revolutions, and vice versa, by increasing the weight of the rollers, the number of revolutions decreases.

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