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Milwaukee Eight® Stator Adapter Main Bearing Tool JIMS 5813-5

79,42 €
69,89 €
(Impuesto incl.)
Stock: 3 unidades
Lo has visto más barato
  • When this adapter is used in conjunction with the main bearing tool, or OE tool, the stator can remain attached to the left side case during bearing installation
  • This adapter is a simple time and money saver when installing the main bearing on a Milwaukee Eight® left side crankcase
  • The adapter has been designed with added clearance for the stator screws, which are one time use only screws
  • It will also guarantee that the case plug seal of the stator is not compromised resulting in a leak
  • Simply position this adapter on top of the bearing support on the press table
  • Marca : JIMS
  • Referencia del fabricante : 5813-5
  • Color/acabado : Black Oxide
  • Material : Acero 1144
  • Nombre de producto : Adaptador
  • Tipo : Stator
  • Unidades : Unidad
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