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Eliminador de juntas LOCTITE 2099006
36,98 €
32,54 €
(Impuesto incl.)
Once applied, the product develops a foam-like layer on the gasket, preventing the agent from running off the desired location. It therefore keeps working for the required duration. Typical applications include removal of all types of chemical gaskets from metal flanges. Removes cured gasket sealants and traditional gaskets in 10 to 15 minutes It is particularly suitable for aluminum or other soft metal flanges where scraping could lead to surface damage. Usable on most types of surface Minimal scraping Marca : LOCTITEReferencia del fabricante : 2099006Aplicación : Eliminador de juntasNombre de producto : LimpiadorTamaño recipiente/envase : 400 ml (13,5 fl oz.)Tipo : Disolvente Tipo dispensador : Spray aerosolUnidades : Unidad
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