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Limpiador Greentec para moto CASTROL 2207110-15513B

20,84 €
18,33 €
(Impuesto incl.)
  • It enables effective and safe cleaning of paint, metal, plastic and rubber surfaces.
  • Due to its content of selected surfactants and the very good creeping capacity, adhering dirt is very quickly wetted by the cleaner concentrate, infiltrated and thus dissolved from the surface.
  • Thus a thorough and surface-careful cleaning is possible.
  • After only a short time, it can be rinsed off with clear water, and the subsequent drying is accelerated by a water-repellent effect.
  • Castrol Greentec Bike Cleaner undiluted onto the parts or surfaces to be cleaned and allow to react for 5 to a maximum of 10 minutes.
  • Do not use Castrol Greentec Bike Cleaner to clean brake discs, as its residues may impair the braking effect
  • Please carry out the cleaning of your vehicle at an approved washing station with oil separation equipment.
  • Marca : CASTROL
  • Referencia del fabricante : 2207110-15513B
  • Aplicación : Cromado, Metales de aleación, Pintura
  • Modelo : Greentec
  • Nombre de producto : Limpiador
  • Tipo : Limpieza
  • Tipo dispensador : Botella Spray
  • Unidades : Unidad
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